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Fitbit and R Part 1: Accessing Data with the Fitbit API

Fitbit and R Part 1: Accessing Data with the Fitbit API

Introduction In part 1 of this series, I will demonstrate how to interact with the Fitbit API in R. Huge credit to Matt Kaye for creating the fitbitr package that provides an interface between R and the Fitbit API. If you are familiar with R and you have a Fitbit, you should have success following what I have laid out below. Install the fitbitr package From CRAN: install.packages("fitbitr") Or the development version from github:

The Peloton API Part 2: A Peloton Data Tribute to my Wife

The Peloton API Part 2: A Peloton Data Tribute to my Wife

Peloton R In part 1 of my Peloton API post, I explored the pelotonR created by Ben Weiher’s. It’s a great package for accessing your Peloton data and I recommend it. In part 2, I’ll explore a different pelotonR package from Laura Ellis. She provides a great tutorial to display the functionality. I recommend this one too! Objectives The objectives for this post are to… Show how awesome my wife is.

Wheel Spin Strategy On The Price Is Right

Wheel Spin Strategy On The Price Is Right

Motivation Like many, COVID-19 completely altered our lives as the virus spread across the country and became a mainstay in our society. Though my family and I have been spared of tragedy, we’ve had to find ways to replace kid’s activities, work routines, and social interactions with other (hopefully) enriching activities… Like family games. Ticket to Ride caused a lot of strife between my kids :) One thing that we’ve added to our new normal is watching “The Price is Right” after dinner.

ESPN Fantasy Football V3 API for Private Leagues: An R Solution (Finally!)

ESPN Fantasy Football V3 API for Private Leagues: An R Solution (Finally!)

Accessing ESPN’s New V3 API for Private Leagues: How We Got Here This marks post 3 of n of my 2019 ESPN Fantasy Football blog posts. In the last few months, ESPN upgraded their API from V2 to V3, breaking all of our previous work accessing and analysing the data from the API. In my last two posts, I explored how to access data from ESPN’s V3 API for public leagues.

ESPN Fantasy Football V3 API for Private Leagues: Python Through R

ESPN Fantasy Football V3 API for Private Leagues: Python Through R

Accessing ESPN Fantasy Football for Private Leagues In my previous post, I explained how to access the ESPN Fantasy Football’s new (V3) public API. But what if your league manager does not make the league public? Are you out of luck? In this post I’ll explain how to pass ‘cookies’ to ESPN and access private league data. To accomplish this, we’ll use… Python retriculate purrr Python?

ESPN Fantasy Football V3 API for Public Leagues: An R Solution

ESPN Fantasy Football V3 API for Public Leagues: An R Solution

ESPN’s New API (V3) In previous seasons, we’ve enjoyed relatively easy access to ESPN’s fantasy sports data. Sometime in the last few months, ESPN altered/upgraded their AP to V3. As I’ve tried to replicate previous analysis, old methods accessing the V2 API no longer work. Credit Where Credit Is Due Quick crash course on ESPN’s new #fantasyfootball API, #python focused — https://t.

Goal: Read 1000 (Children's) Books in 2018

Goal: Read 1000 (Children's) Books in 2018

Introduction Over Christmas 2017, my wife, Jill, resolved that our family (to include babysitters) would read our children over 1000 new books in 2018. More specifically, 29 December 2017 - 28 December 2018. A goal like this takes dedication, love, and of course, a Data Science-y approach. Special thanks to Ally, Zia, and Bookbuddy for help in accomplishing this goal! Also, special thanks to drob and juliasilge who privde the tidytext package and the entire R open-source community I rely on to do this analysis.

Working with Dates in R

A Little About Dates in R Before we launch into any analysis that contains dates, we should know a few important nuggets about how R handles date-like objects. There are 3 date/time classes are built in to R - Date - POSIXct - POSIXlt Base R First, base R can read a string of text and convert it to a date class. To help it read the date, you must tell R what date format your character string should expect.